United Independent Catholic Church
Personnel of the Diocese
Personnel of the Diocese
United Independent Catholic Church
Synod 2012
The 2012 Synod was held on October 5-6, 2012, in Springfield, Illinois.
Highlights of the Synod:
The Synod was convened on Friday, October 5, with Opening Mass.
Most Reverend Jerry Wood was elected Presiding Bishop, with his Installation to the office immediately following.
Discussion points:
Parish Reports for SS Cyril & Methodius and St. Nicholas parishes
Financial Reports for SS Cyril & Methodius and St. Nicholas parishes, and the Deanery of St. Nicholas
Fututure plans for UICC ministries, parishes, deaneries and denomination as a whole
Marketing strategies
UICC Seminary
Curriculum Committee
Functions of the Office of Bishop
Future Synods
Presiding Bishop Most Reverend Jerry Wood officiated Closing Mass.
Following below are images and information about the Synod.
Exposition and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament by Bishop Jerry Wood
Sign of Peace during Installation of Presiding Bishop Jerry Wood
Synod member reading for Mass
Synod members installing Presiding Bishop
Deliberations of Synod members
Bishop Wood's Installation Ceremony
Newly elected Presiding Bishop giving blessing