United Independent Catholic Church
Personnel of the Diocese
Personnel of the Diocese
United Independent Catholic Church
Synod 2014
Through the decision of the ex-officio members of the Synod, the Synod took place on December 29, 2014, at 6:00pm through conference call. Our canons require us to meet once a year. While this Synod cannot take the place of a face to face meeting, this will suffice.
This meeting covered cursory needs for the year 2014 and plans for the next Synod in 2015.
In attendance: Bishop Jerry Wood (Host), Elizabeth Jackson (Secretary), Fr. Andrew Smith (St. Cyril & Methodius), Rick Phillips (St. Cyril & Methodius), Bishop John Reeves (St. Francis), Rev. Mark Davis (St. Stephen)
The Synod was convened at 6:00 p.m. by Presiding Bishop Jerry Wood. Rev. Davis opened the meeting with prayer.
Highlights of the Synod:
The diocese may not be growing a lot at this time, but that we are present in the community and are there for them.
Financial Report
The tentative date for the 2015 Synod is May 22-24, 2015, in Springfield, Illinois.
Discussion Points:
The need to update the Directory
National marketing
Possible new church in the Los Cruces/Alamogordo area
Wording on same sex unions
General Discussion
The Synod was adjourned at 6:55 p.m.